Help - Rear brake calipers

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Mon Sep 23 17:13:42 EDT 2002

You have to apply pressure in while turning.  A large C-clamp has worked
for me in the past.  Next time out for me, I'm using my

At 12:21 PM 09/23/2002 -0700, tihol_tiholov at wrote:

>Hi, all
>Car: 1988 90 Q.  (I was told that type 44 have the same exact rear
>The rear brake calipers were uncooperative yesterday while trying to put
>new pads.  The piston turns clockwise forever (at least 1/2 an hour) but it
>doesn't go in.  Used a pair of needle-nose plyers.  These calipers were
>rebuilt when bought about 3-4 years back.  Anyone know what to do about it?

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