fuel pump talk czech engine light jk

Wallace White wallace at stanfordalumni.org
Tue Sep 24 08:22:45 EDT 2002

Glad to hear you've been screen-free and trouble-free for six years, Scott.

I am getting more convinced that fuel tank level shouldn't compromise
the pump's heat dispersion:
(1) All the internals of the pump are immersed in the working fluid; I
wonder if the can even sees much heat with all that forced convection
(2) Bosch makes in-line (out-of-tank) pumps that use the same basic
design as ours.

That said, fuel in the tank might give a little extra cooling and
possibly a little more life to the pump. But I can't see how it can't be
blamed for very early failures.

Interesting idea about oil break-in... as long as you could get it all
out, of course.

- Wallace
   '87 5kcstq 190k

scott thomas wrote:
> I have questioned the thing about it being better to run the car
> without a screen vs. with and having it clog, but I've run all of my
> cars without screens since '96 with no trouble. Incidentally, the
> tanks on all my 5000 turbos were extremely clean inside. My current
> 200q was filthy with big chunks of rusted, flaked metal and some
> rubber bits. The wals of the tank looked fine, however. I cleaned it
> out and that's it. The theory, I believe, behind fuel pump failure
> due to clogged screens is there's fuel starvation that prematurely
> ruins the pump due to wear and heat build up. I think it's mostly the
> heat, but I could be wrong; I've been pretty bad to my fool pumps in
> the past by not keeping more than a couple of gallons at a time in
> there.
> In the past, I have questioned the breaking in of a new pump to
> maximize life and minimize sound. I didn't get any responses of the
> idea of a bench break in with some type of oil or oil/gas mix.
> ---- Begin Original Message ----
> From: Wallace White <wallace at stanfordalumni.org>
> Sent: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 09:51:24 -0700
> To: "scott thomas"
> <scott at dreamtheater.zzn.com>,<wallace at stanfordalumni.org>
> CC: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: all this fuel pump talk czech screen
> That's interesting, Scott. I just spoke with the mechanic next door
> about
> these pumps. He was familiar with the issue of flaking tank coatings;
> his
> advice is to clean off the intake screen but not remove it.
> He removed that screen once... and the customer's car was towed back
> the next
> day. Theory being that the roller pump is not able to munch particles
> through
> it... I'm sure it can get damaged by remnants of the wire screen
> getting
> ingested!
> Many listers have run pumps for years without screens, right? I
> understand
> Audi instructed this in a TSB, though I wonder why Bosch still ships
> them with
> the screens...
> - Wallace
>   '87 5kcstq 190k
> "scott thomas" <scott at dreamtheater.zzn.com> wrote:
>>I rmoved the czech pump's screen, and I also removed the bottom
>>screen from the "basket" that holds the 200's pump in (different
> from
>>the 5k). Made no difference. I can tell, however that the pump is
>>good, but noisy. It has very low miles on it, my best guess is <30k
>>miles. My car was not used for one year before I bought it, as well
>>as the meticulous maintainance of the previous owner.
>>Oh yeah, while I was there, I cleaned the bottom of the tank pickup
>>area with those non absorbing paper towels you get at the public
>>restrooms (they don't soak gas like a sponge). There was lots of
> crap
>>down there. I'v got on of my oldie, but goodie german fool pumps in
>>Oh yeah, I think NAPA/Echlin still makes a good replacement fuel
> pump
>>for a reasonable price, when compared to the Bosch. I used to work
> at
>>a Napa years ago and saw this to be the case.
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