xenarc btdt's?

Bernard Littau bernardl at acumenassociates.com
Tue Sep 24 12:40:42 EDT 2002

> For my '87 5kcstq, I looked into Sylvania's Xenarc auxillary low beam
> lights.  I was poking around trying to find a good alternative to euros
> (read: cheaper).  FYI, these are true HID lights, not OEM
> replacement units,
> so they'd have to be mounted somewhere, dunno where.
> Anyone have experience with these lights? Mounting ideas?
> Warnings/advice/etc.?

The Euro lights are worth the money.

The key to success is where the light is and is not, and how evenly the
light is distributed.  The Euro lights do very well in both of these
categories.  The last thing you need is a bright spot in front of the car,
which is what you get with many auxillary lights.  A bright spot makes
everything else look dim to your eye.

There is such thing as too much light, too.  You want enough light to see
well, but no more, or you loose your ability to see dimmer things

The Euro lights also don't change the face of the car as additional lights

Do shop around.


Bernard Littau
Woodinville, WA
'88 5ktq

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