audi is far from home, quick question to get it running please

james accordino ssgacc at
Tue Sep 24 16:24:50 EDT 2002

I think that's a neat system also.  Unfortunately, the
NE plays havoc on these.  As do monkey lads.  Every
one I've seen here is badly corroded or rusted.
Usually both.  On almost every one, the alloy toothed
collar had the engaged portion of these teeth wiped
out.  Fortunately these are quite cheap $3.?  I got
mine at the local VW.  Had a few in stock.  I also had
a very short life using standard US sized belts.  The
upper, outer edges get eaten alive.  The V of the
pulleys is too steep.

Jim Accordino

--- George Nimmer <george164 at> wrote:
> I find the alternator tensioning system much more
> elegant on my '86 vw
> GTI 8v.  It had a small gear and toothed rails so
> that two wrenches
> could be used to VERY easily adjust the belt
> tension, or to replace a
> belt.  Also, it was easily accessible from under the
> hood rather than
> under the car.

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