Jackstanding 4KQ's

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Wed Sep 25 16:11:23 EDT 2002

Where do you put jackstands if you want all four wheels off the ground on a
4kq?  I've done this a bunch on 5kq/200/V8's, which have a rubber-bumpered
spot a ways inside the "frame" where you can set the car down on jackstands
after using the jacking point designed to go with Audi's joke of a jack (I
use a padded floor jack on that spot).  But with the 4kq, I've only ever
worked on one wheel at a time or done things I can do with the car on
ramps.  I want to switch tires front to back and replace brake pads/bleed
the system,  but the 4kq doesn't seem to have any reasonable spot to put
jackstands other than where the jack would go.  Is there a spot I can jack
with a floor jack and then put the jackstands under the recommended jacking

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