Programable Intermittent Wiper Relay

Kevin Kingan klkinc at
Wed Sep 25 18:23:44 EDT 2002

 Original Message
Message: 4
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 12:42:18 -0400
To: "Michael Riebs / Audi V8" <AudiV8 at>,
<quattro at>, <l.leung at>
From: Kneale Brownson <knotnook at>
Subject: Re: Programable Intermittent Wiper Relay

At 10:51 AM 09/25/2002 -0400, Michael Riebs / Audi V8 wrote:

>Um, what mod???
>My Mother-in-law's '94 Golf had this feature, and to the best of my
>knowledge, my '90 V8 doesn't, nor does my Wife's '98 A6 - but I could be
>wrong! Like I said - "to the best of my knowledge"!
>Now, there's nothing I'd like more than to have my best knowledge improved
>in this way!
>Does the '90 V8 and/or the '98 A6 have this "programmable intermittence" in
>the wiper delay???
>Please, someone - lead me out of the darkness and ignorance!

YOUR V8 won't have it unless you or a PO added it.  My wife's does 'cause I
replaced the Audi relay with the VW.  Did the same in my 200q20v.    I
thought some of the later Audi models offered it.

Best part of the mod is for those drippy days when your windshield loads up
faster than the one-speed intermittent clears the windscreen but not fast
enough to prevent squealing blades with the wipers on "low".  It's also
nice when the accumulation is too slow to prevent the squealing  on
intermittent setting.

 Do you ( or anyone for that matter) know the VW part # for
the "Programable Intermittent Wiper Relay"? Im sure alot of other listers
out there would like to add this relay to their cars also
Kevin K

1988 90Q 2.3E Sport

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