Instrument Cluster Light Bulbs for Type 89

Huw Powell human747 at
Thu Sep 26 03:00:35 EDT 2002

> Many of the lights on my '88 90tq's instrument cluster are out.  I removed
> the cluster last night hoping to replace the burnt out bulbs with extras
> I've pulled from 5000s and 4000s.  As you may know, the bulbs have different
> holders so that won't work.
> Anyway, I'd like to replace them all while I'm in there but I'd rather not
> go the the $dealer$.  Is there a cheaper source for these bulbs or are they
> reasonable from the dealer (doubtful)?  Does anyone sell a complete set?

I replaced about 2/3 of mine at the dealer, they actually stocked a
handful of them, I guess that means they are in later cars?

Although they were about $2 each, I figured it was money well spent, and
low aggravation even if it was $20-30 or so.

Imagine the labor charge if you didn't do it yourself...

Huw Powell

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