Oil consumption, MC2

scott thomas scott at dreamtheater.zzn.com
Thu Sep 26 13:44:34 EDT 2002

Larry, I recently acquired an mc2 200q. What I've noticed over the
mc1 and kh is the higher oil consumption. I only use synth.
Originally, I used Syntec. Lots of consumption. Then changed to M1
15/50. Still had a good amount being consumed (at ~$5 qt). The funny
thing is in the past, I always used Syntec 5/50 due to the LOWER
consumption. Anyway, I changed brands completely to Rotella full
synthetic 5/40. Very little now. Over 5k miles, I'll burn a 1.5-2
quarts. The stuff is a real bargain, too. All WalMarts carry them,
nationwide. Quarts are ~3.27 and the 4qt jug is $12.88. The engine
stays really clean, too.

As far as the stumbling- my experience has been:
1. leaky turbo inlet hosing (leaning out)
2. bad plug wires/terminals, plugs, also burnt center electrode in
cap/rotor assembly
3. possibly a small leak on the outlet side of turbo. Not a big deal
at idle, but gets bad while on boost.
4. Dying fuel pump. Fine at idle, but get on boost, engine leans and
stumbles, like you describe.
Use premium. I recently had problems with mislabeled gas. The manual
states premium, too.

good luck
---- Begin Original Message ----

From: Larry C Leung <l.leung at juno.com>
Sent: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 21:01:12 -0400
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Re: Oil consumption, MC2

Hello List,

I have been informed that my exhaust "smells", possibly like oil.

I have also noted that I MAY have more oil consumption than
usual, but I haven't been driving the Q as a daily driver anymore,
now that I have the inherited Subie. Saves door dings (and it
uses less regular unleaded gas).

Any ideas on what to check (and/or how)?

I am also wondering if this has anything to do with the fact
the car is running poorly. I have full boost (on the dash
digital gauge) but NO power. Car acts like pressing on the
gas causes the engine distress. It picks up from low RPM
semi-normally, but then it stumbles and doesn't respond,
although the boost gauge goes up).

Any help would be appreciated.



---- End Original Message ----

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