Oil consumption, MC2

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 26 16:28:36 EDT 2002

Recently, when I had no acceleration at higher rpms
and under boost, I also suspected a clogged cat.  I
checked for pressure at the CO2 tap downstream of the
turbo.  Couldn't get the gauge even up to 1 lb.
pressure.  Guess that wasn't it.  It turned out to be
the crappy Bosch (Czech) fool pump.  Question is: What
is the "normal" vac. readings on the dash gauge?  Yes,
I know it's inaccurate, but not that much for this
discussion.  I usually draw .4 to .5 vac. at idle and
.2 or even .1 on hard decel from speed.  Crunching the
#'s, this sounds real good to me, and my high
compression readings from my compression tests (3 in 6
months) confirm this.  Any opines?

Jim Accordino

--- scott thomas <scott at dreamtheater.zzn.com> wrote:
> Clogged cats also cause low vacuum. Big marker of
> one.

> On Thursday, September 26, 2002, at 12:57  AM, Huw
> Powell wrote:
> >
> >> I am also wondering if this has anything to do
> with the fact
> >> the car is running poorly. I have full boost (on
> the dash
> >> digital gauge) but NO power. Car acts like
> pressing on the
> >> gas causes the engine distress. It picks up from
> low RPM
> >> semi-normally, but then it stumbles and doesn't
> respond,
> >> although the boost gauge goes up).
> >
> > That sounds like a clogged cat to me, to shoot
> from the hip.  A
> clogged
> > cat makes it hard to get to high rpms.  You've got
> exhaust back
> > pressure, hence the "boost", but no flow, hence
> the lack of
> > acceleration.

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