FW: Pierburg fuel pump for Canadian listers!

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 26 18:06:13 EDT 2002

Absolutely, I agree.  I've dealt with Kristian and had
no problems what-so-ever.  Except an Up's truck dumped
my sh*t all over ND.  Can't account for truck wrecks.
I saw a FedEx double demo'd at the Bunker Hill in
Scranton last winter.  On the torn open side of one of
the trailers I saw "When it absolutely, positively has
to be there overnight."  Not THIS shipment.  As the
customers stuff was scattered all over the
highway...in a snowstorm.  Anyway.  As you said,
everything was as stated and their prices were very
good.  They also were able to get many obscure pieces
that are supposedly "dealer only".  I don't know how,
but I'm happy anyway.  They gave me an outstanding
price on my Eurolights.  A complete kit if I ever saw
one.  They sent me every part I needed, except a
monkey to put it together.  Ahh, that would be me.

Jim Accordino

--- "Livolsi, Stephane"
<Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com> wrote:
> I got mine from VM Autohaus in Vancouver earlier
> this year.
> It was the lowest price of all the places I checked
> out and was highly
> recommended (but then of course, he stood to make a
> profit from selling it
> to me)
> Anyway, I have had no probs with this pump.
> I have bought other Audi stuff from VM previously
> and all products were as
> stated and prices seemed pretty good.
> Stephane
> .
> > ----------
> > From: 	Ron Wainwright[SMTP:ron_01056 at yahoo.com]
> > Sent: 	September 26, 2002 1:33 PM
> > To: 	Tony Lum
> > Cc: 	quattro at audifans.com
> > Subject: 	Re: Pierburg fuel pump
> >
> >   Tony, &amp; listers,
> >
> >   Lots of inquires about the Pierburg fuel pump
> from
> > you all
> > i got the pump from Greenfield Imported car parts
> > located in Greenfield, Ma phone is 1-413-774-2819
> ask
> > for Steve nice guy
> >  web site is www.gicp.com
> > I haven't looked at there web site so I can't
> comment
> > on it but the walk in service is great
> >  these guy's are my new local parts source old
> guy's
> > have been slouching as of late and monie is to
> tight
> > to mess around with.
> >  Hope this helps
> > Thanks
> > Ron
> >
> >
> >
> > --- Tony Lum &lt;tlum at flash.net&gt; wrote:
> > &gt; At 09:54 AM 9/26/02 , you wrote:
> > &gt; &gt;   Wallace, &amp; listers
> > &gt; &gt;
> > &gt; &gt;   Just completed the Pierburg fuel pump
> > change and
> > &gt; it
> > &gt; &gt;was a breaze
> > &gt;
> > &gt; Good, but where do you get them?
> > &gt;
> > &gt; Regards,
> > &gt;
> > &gt; - Tony
> > &gt; lots of I-5 Audis
> > &gt;
> > &gt;
> >
> >
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