New parts website I found. =A0Anyone tried them?

John Larson j.d.larson at
Fri Sep 27 01:02:40 EDT 2002

Hey, I get parts there as well, and from IMC, SSF, A&F, Euro Pacific,
Overland Parts, and Pacific Parts International.  More, if you count the
specialty houses like Moss/Nissonger, Alfa Ricambi, and GT Car Parts.  But
the reselling partners (I think that's what they're called) are drop
shippers, not stocking warehouses.  It's like going to
Kragen/Schuck's/Autozone/Pep Boys for your Audi parts.  They order them.
Difference is, you have to pick them up at the store, not wait for the
UPS/Fedex/Airborne guy.  Worldpac uses all three, BTW.  Not that I have
anything against Worldpac.  I don't.  In fact, probably more than 80% of my
parts for the shop come from them.  I just get to deal directly (on line)
with them, bypassing the guy in the middle with the DSL.
BTW, I think Didi is gone.  Frankly, I'm so busy at the shop I don't have
time to get into mass selling of discounted parts over the internet.  Might
be easier, though, than wrenching!  Not as much job
satisfaction,though......  John
----- Original Message -----
From: <C1J1Miller at>
To: <quattro at>; <200q20v at>
Cc: <j.d.larson at>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 9:27 PM
Subject: Re: New parts website I found. =A0Anyone tried them?

> In a message dated 9/26/02 9:17:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, John writes:
> "If you're interested, the site is
> They
> appear to be a Worldpac distributor, with some pretty darned good
> prices."
> That's right, they're another Worldpac marketing "partner".  Their pricing
> is dependent on their monthly volume and how little profit they're willing
> to take on any individual sale.  Word is there are still a lot of little
> billing/shipping/ problems as yet unresolved, and they're hampered by the
> lowly paid parts pullers in their warehouses.  If you want to maximize the
> chances of getting the right part every time, dealing with a remote
> isn't exactly the best way to go about it.  The only hands on these guys
> have is on their keyboards............  John
> I think some of the Quattro (and other) list favorite venders get some
> through Worldpac; except that they either warehouse some themselves, or
> them shipped to them, repacked and checked, then shipped out again.
> My personal favorites for aftermarket parts are:
> Scott Mockry
> Rod at
> I'd also like to plug some of the guys sourcing or developing performance
> parts for Audis...
> Tom Demrovsky
> Keith Anderson
> Ned Ritchie
> Keith/Bruce
> Good dealer for Audi-only stuff:
> Carlsen Audi in CA-- (800) 523-2408 (is it still Didi you should ask for?)
> There's lots of others I use; these are the first to mind, though.
> ____________________________________________________
> Chris Miller, Bolton MA USA, c1j1miller at
> '91 200q20v ==>
> ____________________________________________________

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