sizzling rear rotors again

james accordino ssgacc at
Sun Sep 29 06:38:35 EDT 2002

Why not start with the cheapest/easiest?  Pin boot kit
(4 boots and some grease) cost me about 4 bucks.
Remove and clean bore and pin.  Check for easy sliding
fit.  Not loose or wobbling.  Regrease and replace.
I've yet to find a higher mileage Audi (125k+) where
these pins weren't hosed.  Worn-out, rusted or seized
in grease with the consistancy of construction
adhesive.  Replacing the calipers is real easy, but
expensive.  And if it's not your problem, it won't
solve a thing.  Replacing the wheel bearing isn't too
expensive, but kind of PITA.  Replacing parts is NEVER
a bad thing, but in trying to solve a specific
problem, I shy away from the throwing parts at it

Jim Accordino

--- Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at> wrote:
>   Listers,
>   I thought I had taken care of this but it's reared
> it's ugly head again
>  a month ago or so i posted about my rear brakes
> being
> hot as hell
> sizzling I mentioned on my 87 5ksq non turbo so
> I totaly disconnected the e brake cables from the
> rear
> calipers watched the rotors and calipers for a while
> and no excessive heat just normal wear
>  earlier I did all kinds of stuff to the calipers
> took
> them apart, cleaned everything re blead anything any
> of you would have done
> but just tonight the same simptoms have come up
> again
>  driver side rear caliper, rotor and rim are VERY
> hot
>  pass side is fine, just like last time
> could it be a the driver side rear wheel bearing or
> is
> it the master cylander? or maybe the guide pins are
> shot?
>  All those probly seem like a good place to re start
> my problem,
>  seem logical to anyone else?
>  Any advise out there?
> Thanks
> Ron
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