Wierd Tail light wiring

Cade Carvell ccarvell at nbsusa.com
Sun Sep 29 17:32:43 EDT 2002

  I would like to say, that I first checked the archives, and I think I
know what I need to do, but I would like to bounce off the group first.
  I was driving home from work and the next day a co-worker told me that
the rear-passenger side light was out, it was night time.  I thought no
big deal, need a bulb or two.
  I checked today, nope, bulb if fine.  Then I noticed that the front
passenger side marker light didn't turn on with the headlight switch.
The turn worked for both front and rear lights, and brake light worked
fine too for both.
  So, I started testing wires.  I couldn't find the harness connecter
for the rear wiring.  Is there one?  I thought the easiest thing to do
would be disconnect the harness and use an ohm meter to test resistance.
  Anyway, not finding that I started testing wires at the rear harness
(by the taillights).  I have no resistance to the wires, but the power
lead to the passenger side showed .13V, not good.
  Since my manual is in shipping, due end of next week (thanks to Barnes
and Noble), I cheated and ran a heavy gauge wire from the drivers side
(grey W/ black stripe) to the passenger side (Grey w/red stripe), in
essence tying the two together.
  After I did this, hopefully temporary, baring weather, The front
passenger side side marker light works fine, and the rear light works
great too.
  Since I don't have the manuall yet, does any one know if this signals
anything but bad trunk wiring?  Is the headlight switch ok?
  If I run this for a while, do I need to be worried about shorting
anything out?  Should I disconnect the rear passenger side wiring (grey
w/red stripe), until I can sort it out?

  Thanks for any insight you may have.
87 4000 Quattro, with 63,000 miles.

Cade Carvell
National Business Systems, Inc.
Eagan, MN 55121
Office: 651-994-4400

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