FW: anyone else breaking a lot of front springs?

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Tue Apr 1 17:07:22 EST 2003

definitely live in the land of rust and salt.  Actually, I think all rust
warranties are void around here.....:) northern BC, Canada.

I am fed up with this so I am researching spring options for upgrading.
the roads around here are not conducive to lower, stiffer springs - the ride
would be pretty harsh and dental bills would be high.


> ----------
> From: 	lrickert at covad.net[SMTP:lrickert at covad.net]
> Sent: 	April 1, 2003 2:35 PM
> To: 	Audi Quattro List
> Subject: 	Re: anyone else breaking a lot of front springs?
> Do you live in the land of rust and salt? Fatigue failure starting with
> rust
> pits seems to be the most likely cause. The stresses in coil springs are
> surprisingly high and all those cycles your suspension go through make for
> a
> crack propagation environment. The stock springs on my 87 4kq didn't have
> any
> rust when I took them off a couple of years ago, but then I live in
> Seattle
> where they don't use salt on the roads. Maybe it is a good thing that the
> springs break, it provides the perfect excuses to get new stiffer springs
> all
> round.
> Luke

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