Fuel System Mod in 87 4kq Hard line to fuel hose

Cade Carvell ccarvell at nbsusa.com
Tue Apr 1 21:04:50 EST 2003

  I was wondering if I am the first to look at the fuel system (Filters
and Pump area) and wonder if I can somehow switch this over to the using
either flex line (Rubber gas hose), or something.  I am in the middle of
replacing the filters (That top one is a bear), and I have started down
to the Pump, and the hard lines are just a pain to get loose.  It looks
like the second filter I will have to cut the main line to get it out,
it won't budge.
  Anyway, has anyone switched the second filter to the main fuel line
with rubber hose and if so, do you know what parts you needed to convert
the odd ball fittings to reg rubber hose.
  Should one do this?  Running rubber hose back thier have any side
effects, to high a pressure after the pump, etc?

PS: Thanks Huw for the pointer on buying the rubber mounts, most of mine
I had to drill out since the stud part and nut rusted solid to the body,
or simply wouldn't come loose - Just spun around. :-(

Thanks All for your ideas,

Cade Carvell
National Business Systems, Inc.
2919 West Service Road
Eagan, MN 55121
Office: 651-994-4400

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