advice needed on PS pump rebuild - '91 2.3 (NG) CQ

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sat Apr 5 16:00:20 EST 2003

At 09:30 AM 04/05/2003 +0100, Hopkins, Ewan wrote:
>My head gasket was recently replaced and, after reassembly, the pivot bolt
>on the top left (looking from the front) of the PS pump wasn't fully
>tightened and the nut came off. The result is that the seal between the two
>halfs of the pump has blown and emptied what looks like most of the fluid
>into the engine compartment. I've ordered a seal kit and am hoping to fix it
>on Monday. Any BTDTs I should be aware of.

The Bentley for the '89-91 100/200 has the most thorough description of the
pump resealing process.  I'd assume the Bentley for your car would have it
too.  One tip someone else here posted:  The pump is pretty hard to grip in
a vise because it doesn't have any parallel flat surfaces, but if you put
the banjo bolts in, you have someting to clamp in  the vise without
threatening the pump body itself.

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