Crane HI6 install, and still some stumbling

Jim Green jeg1976 at
Tue Apr 22 08:14:49 EDT 2003

--- JShadzi at wrote:

> > Now for the bad, 4th and 5th gear are still giving
> me
> > fits at ~3000-3500 rpms and ~20 psi of boost.  The
> > damn thing bucks really bad like a fuel cut off
> > almost.  Hopefully it's not misfiring.  I put a
> new
> > cap and rotor on, the old ones still looked new.
> If
> > you let off the gas a little and let the rpms get
> up
> > to 4k, I can hammer it and it revs with awesome
> power.
> > I though I was having spark problems, but this new
> > ignition would have fixed that.  In fact it made
> it
> > worse because I get boost even lower in the RPM
> range,
> > and that's where the bucking starts.
> Hmm, very odd, have you tried that w/o the water
> injection, maybe you're injecting too much water?
> Have you put 034efi in monitor mode, ensure that
> your temp sensors aren't cutting out in that range,
> that could cause a rich condition, just odd you're
> getting it in that narrow rpm range in only 2 gears.
>  Have you looked in the MAP matrix, I accidentally
> had miskeyed a value once in a cell and the car ran
> really crappy in a narrow range like that, check to
> make sure that's not the case?  Is your boost stable
> through that range?
> > I guess I need to look at my WG setup next, It's
> > really the same as it's always been for boost
> control,
> > but may be I'm flowing to much air now or
> something
> > and it can't keep up?  Any ideas?
> Is your boost inconsistent, does it fluctuate, what
> do you think that would be a problem?

Hmm, good suggestions.  It's not the water injection
because it did it when the WI wasn't even hooked up.
I've taken some logs, but nothing strange shows up,
and my temp sensors barely even sense the reduced
temp, so that seems fine, although I wish they were
more sensitive to the change.

I think it's a problem with boost control because the
boost does go crazy, it will bounce back and forth
between 15 and 20 psi on the boost gauge.  Maybe my WG
reference hose is to long?  It's about 2' of 3/8" ID
hose.  The WG didn't stick at all when I had it out


Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI, Haltech IG5

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