open lapping days

Calvin Krug ckrug at
Mon Apr 28 22:27:51 EDT 2003

We have a few spaces to fill yet for our May 9 all day event at
Putnam Park.  We will be running the event 9am-5 pm open lapping.
Olive Garden will be
provided for your lunch with your entry.  Any of you thinking of
coming I would be glad to get you entered before the May 2 deadline.
( that's this Friday)  We can take credit cards to make your entry
quick and easy.
Price is $275, and we have limited the field to 30 cars, so you'll
all have plenty of run time - no run groups.  Once we have filled the
30 spaces, we will take entries for the afternoon only at $175.
Below is our schedule for the rest of the year, so check your calendars.

May 9       - Putnam Park
June 5      - Grattan
July 11     - Putnam Park
August 8    - Gingerman
September 5 - Putnam Park
October 3   - Putnam Park

Contact Douglas Livingston  autocorsa1 at   317-289-7221
or myself if you have any questions.
Thank you.

Calvin Krug
ProSport Drivers Group
  'Work to become, not to acquire.' -- Confucius

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