Timing Belt off a tooth??
Eric Pipas
ericpipas at charter.net
Tue Apr 29 18:42:03 EDT 2003
I feel the need to chime in since I started this thread. I could not agree
with you more Jim !!! Now I get to worry for the next 5,000 miles if I
tightened the belt enough, if the water pump / idler pully I purchased are
defectice etc....... I just would not be loosing sleep if it had a chain, or
it were not an interference engine....... IMHO
Subject: Re: Timing Belt off a tooth??
Just a quick $.02. I'D much rather do 1 chain, even
if more difficult and costly than 3-5 belts. This is
just my opine, but I've also found well designed chain
systems to be much more reliable and long lasting than
belts. My Dorf pickup (87 with 5.0) has about 540k on
it and the motor is unopened. I've been waiting for
the timing chain to break for 8-10 yrs. now. I have
NO idea how it hasn't other than I've changed the oil
about 1500 times and the miles are almost all highway
with very steady and narrow rpm range (2800-3200). Of
course it will probably break tomorrow morning after
Jim Accordino
--- Ed Birch <edwbirch at comcast.net> wrote:
> > From: "John Larson" <j.d.larson at verizon.net>
> > To: <siambisg at uchastings.edu>,
> <quattro at audifans.com>
> > Subject: RE: Timing Belt off a tooth ??
> > Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 08:48:38 -0700
> > I don't suppose you want to hear about all the
> Mercedes Benz with the
> timing
> > chain breakage problems.......
> John, I don't mean to be a "smart-ass"-well maybe I
> am, anyway I would like
> to hear about the MB timing chain breakage. I owned
> MB Diesel powered cars
> for over 20 years and never had to replace a DOUBLE
> ROW timing chain due to
> excessive wear. That's over 500K miles on several
> Diesels. I've seen timing
> chain tensioner failures on the gas-powered Benz
> cars, but aside from
> noise-nothing to damage the motor.
> > How about 911s?
> Yes, how about the Porsche 911's. Once the Germans
> quite screwing around
> with the chain tensioner design, the 911 didn't eat
> up timing chains.
> >Regular timing belt service seems to cover those
> pretty well on our cars.
> Sure the parts dealers love that design..belt,
> tensioner, idlers, water
> pump, accessories drive belt, etc....
> BMW motorcycles use lubercated timing chains. Honda
> Gold Wing motorcycle now
> uses timing chain.
> >Trust me, timing chain replacement is MUCH harder
> on cars with chains
> rather than >belts.
> Sorry, John-I cannot agree with that.
> Ed Birch, Pennsylvania.
> 93-100S, on it's second timing belt.
> > >
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