Help! Need gaskets FAST

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at
Fri Aug 1 10:57:34 EDT 2003

  Just to confirm incase your still doing this.
There is no gasket between the WG and the Manifold.  Also no
Gasket between the WG outlet and the DP.  Just metal to metal.
  Make sure the area is clean on the Manifold and WG though.
Maybe a scotchbrite pad or similar?  If not it can leak as there
is a metal lip that seems to act as a sealilng surface?  Mine
leaked when I put it on.  Took the WB back off, scrubbed it a
bit and now its great.

--- Jim Green <jeg1976 at> wrote:
> --- Jeff & Jennifer Warner <jwarner6 at>
> wrote:
> > Help!
> >
> > Getting ready to put my warmed-over head back on the
> > '89 TQW.  Discovered
> > that I do not have the manifold and downpipe gaskets
> > for the turbo or the
> > wastegate.  I believe, but I'd like confirmation,
> > that the wastegate doesn't
> > use any gaskets at the manifold or downpipe
> > locations.  So I should just
> > need gaskets for the turbo.  Went to Audi and they
> > can't even order anything
> > until 8/4 due to a systems change being performed at
> > the
> > headquarters/warehouse.   So does anyone know of a
> > good source for these
> > gaskets that would hopefully overnight them to me.
> Napa can get the manifold to turbo gasket.  I don't
> think they can get the turbo to DP gasket though.  I'd
> try Blau, or GPR, or TPC.  They may have one laying
> around.  I used to have a tone of them, but no longer.
>  A good turbo shop may even have them.
> > Also, does anyone know
> > what a good head gasket should look like for this
> > engine.  The one I was
> > sold seems rather simple with compression rings
> > around the cylinders and
> > nothing else but a rubber bead around the perimeter
> > of the gasket.  I was
> > expecting one a bit more robust and with that
> > sealant stuff already on it.
> Yep, that sounds like the stock gasket.  It works fine
> for stock and slightly modded engines.  Also, don't
> forget to change those headbolts, unless you want to
> be doing this job over again soon.
> HTH,
> =====
> Jim Green
> '89 90tq 034EFI Stage II
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