parts monkey ID

Mike Arman armanmik at
Fri Aug 1 15:41:59 EDT 2003

>As far as flushing the system regularly, oh, about every five years or so =
>ought to do it. The parts monkey needs to be flushed first - and without de=

>the parts monkey - is that the person working on the car or an actual part ?

The parts monkey is the clown at the auto parts store who gave you the
expert, sage advice about how you should care for your Audi.

The ignorance of parts monkeys is surpassed only by the ignorance of
service monkeys at Sears, WalMart, et al who cannot seem to comprehend that
they need to put the oil drain plug back in the bottom of the engine and
actually tighten it a little before sending the customer off into the wild.

Check out "monkey lads" thread in the archives. These guys are also known
as "burger flippers" - only difference is the exact type of grease they get
(over)paid minimum wage to wallow in.

There's a darn good reason I prefer to do my own work, and it isn't because
I enjoy getting dirty.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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