HID upgrades

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Fri Aug 1 21:45:26 EDT 2003

Kneale writes:
> At 04:52 PM 08/01/2003 -0400, Lee Levitt wrote:
> > >From www.liteswap.com, which is where I got my kit.
> >
> >         It is our regret to inform you that recent regulatory
> > developments with the
> >NHTSA has put
> >         the sale or importation of HID retrofit products in question.
> Wonderful.  Those lights may help their owners, but they sure
> make it more
> difficult for the rest of us to see.

True for any poorly aimed light.

'95.5 S6 avant
'96 A6 quattro avant

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