So many Audi choices, so little time...

David Balbirona dbalbirona at
Sat Aug 2 08:07:23 EDT 2003

First off, just have to say thanks to all the Audinauts on the list for all
the help.  In the last 5 months I have learned more about my '87 5KCSTQ just
for the purposes of repair - i.e. recommended tires, oil & filter, wheel
bearings, head liner (dreading the work) and soon to be replaced, noisy
valve lifters.  I can't imagine paying people to do what was accomplished
with a little bit of my own elbow grease and LOTS of good info from this

Now, my question this time - Is this some sort of matrix that has all the
various models, i.e. 4000/5000 80/90 100/200 etc, with the parts that are
swappable between the models?  This would make the part search SOOOO much
easier.  For instance, I was looking for a replacement left tail light for
my 87 5000CS and was told that the 4000 tail light wouldn't fit.  I happened
to pull up behind a 4000CS today at a stop light so I had a good chance to
look at the tail light.  It looks pretty much the same.  Why would this not
fit?  I am just trying to expand my search to make part replacement (sensors
et al) easier when stuff needs replacing.

Thanks again.

--David Balbirona
Renton, WA

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