Tires - A suggestion
Todd Phenneger
tquattroguy at
Sat Aug 2 03:21:52 EDT 2003
Great Idea,
I would also add a Snow and an ICE Rating. That way we can
rate our Snow Tires as well. IT may be blank for the summer
tires but it opens the uses of the Data Base up.
Maybe also an "option" for the lister to leave his name? And
a comments area. My biggest problem with the Tire Rack rating
is its very hard to judge different tires rated by different
people with different subjective opinions. I LOVE it when
someone takes the time to say what their privious tire was and
what type of driving they do. So if the guy has a 944 turbo and
drives the hell out of it and had Pilot sports but now has
S0'3.s His comments directly relate to the differences
between the two. A LOT more meaningful than the guy who has
S0-3's that just bought them and put them on his Showroom new to
him A4 that drives a Hummer the rest of the time and thinks
taking a freeway offramp at 10mph over the posted limit is
driving HARD.
Just a thought.
--- DieMarthaDie at wrote:
> How about we add a tire RANKING section in the Knowledgebase
> that allows you to see the following on the car: model, year,
> modifications, uses, rims and size, as well as the actual tire
> model and a ranking 1-10 for Wet, Dry, Track, Noise,
> Longevity.
> This would allow the MANY listers with MANY experiences to
> combine them all for quick viewing instead of the rehashing of
> tire issues each time one of us (ME included) posts a request
> about tire choices?
> Yes, I know that Tire Rack does the same thing, but then there
> may be people who put Toyo Proxes on a Kia Rio in there or
> Nokians on a Hummer... this gives all of us a chance to post
> our ideas on each tire and lets a curious person review the
> choices before they actually spend money :)
> Any thoughts?
> Besides, "yeah, so you go do it then." ;)
> John
> 90 V8
> <Cooper Cobras, about to become Eagle HPs because both came
> with the car or rims>
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