UrQ MC conversion questions

audi90sq at yahoo.com audi90sq at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 3 18:17:45 EDT 2003

Well, the MC motor is due to go into the UrQ this
coming weekend and I have a few last minute questions.

1)  Has anybody made a template to help cut the notch
in the bell housing for the crank sensor?

2)  What oil temp switches do I need to use?  I have
the MC ECU (red) harness in place, but the UrQ chassis
(yellow) harness.  The UrQ has a two-pin oil pressure
sensor on the back of the head, but the MC has two
single pin sensors on the block (idle & running low
pressure).  The MC head seems to have two blanking
plugs in the head holes where the WX has its sensors.
 Do I stick the WX sensors into the MC head, or wire
the MC units in the block?

3)  How do I hook up the new fuel pump relay & wire it
tp a "Check Engine" light?


Eric Harten

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