Jim Green
jeg1976 at
Mon Aug 4 13:11:45 EDT 2003
--- Audi-Dude <audi-dude at> wrote:
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> Howdy Audinauts
> I have a pretty simple problem I hope. I noticed my
> 1990 A90 has been having trouble starting recently
> and smelled whiff of petro now and again on the
> outside of the car after parking. Also - my fuel
> consumption has increased. You KNOW where this is
> going I am sure.
> Went out today and started it. Had to get out for a
> few minutes and when I came back I noticed not a
> drip but a STREAM of fuel coming from the general
> area of the new fuel pump.
> The local guy says this is a specialized high
> pressure fuel line stamped to the regular copper
> lines - they may make a kit to repair it -
> otherewise I will need all new fuel lines. OUCH.
> Im sure the dealer is rubbing its hands together in
> eager anticipation for that wad of dough.
Ok, I'm confused, where is the leak? I'm not familiar
with the non-q models, but if the fuel pump is the
same I'll tell you what happened. Whoever replaced
your pump clamped the hard plastic line that comes out
of it to stop fuel flow. I've had this happen twice
to me. Eventually I used just used some good hose
clamps and high pressure fuel injection hose to fix
the problem. You need hose that is rated at 100+ psi
working pressure. Napa sells some. It's been fine
ever since.
Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI Stage II
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