what about MAACO IF I do all the prep work

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 4 22:14:21 EDT 2003

That is wholly incorrect.  I walked thorugh a Maaco Paint shop
on a tour.  They remove a LOT of paint.  I think they may use of
the newer sandblasting techniques where you run a machine over
the paint and it strips it down.  I'm not sure what exactly they
used but there was definately sanding on those cars. Not a "wipe
down with thinner".
  Just thought I'd clear that up.

--- Zsolt <zsolt1 at telusplanet.net> wrote:
> They use Sherwin Williams, which is as cheap as it gets when
> it comes to
> car paint, and you get what you pay for. Also, for the
> cheapest paint
> job, all they do is wipe the car with paint thinner, no
> sanding. I guess
> the most time they spend on prepwork is taping it.
>   Zsolt
> George Selby wrote:
> > At 10:30 PM 8/3/03, you wrote:
> >
> >> The biggest problem with places like MACCO IMO is the
> quality of
> >> paint they
> >> use, it just doesn't last.
> >>
> >> Javad
> >
> >
> >
> > In very few areas of life does the saying "you get what you
> pay for"
> > apply
> > more than in the case of automobile repainting.  The basic
> problem with
> > MAACO (or Earl Schieb, etc., IMHO,) is they can't afford to
> pay for
> > quality
> > prep work.  Without that, the paint job can't last.  Your
> MAACO paint job
> > will last much longer if you do the prep work.  That being
> said, you
> > could
> > probably get a better shop to paint it with quality paint
> befitting an
> > Audi
> > for a similar price as MAACO because much of the cost of
> painting is
> > in the
> > prep, it actually takes very little time to paint a car
> (less than a
> > hour,)
> > it can take days to prep a car for paint, depending on how
> bad the car is
> > to start off; and if you used more than a couple of quarts
> of paint
> > (especially on an Audi sized vehicle) you would have it on
> way too thick.
> >
> > Most paint jobs will look good initially, it is after a year
> or so (when
> > all the solvents have dried out) than you will see all the
> little
> > imperfections in your paint job.  MAACO does have its place,
> it is quite
> > good for cheap cars that you plan on selling or keeping for
> a short time
> > and work truck type vehicles, and are otherwise fine except
> for worn or
> > faded paint.  Just don't expect it to look show quality, it
> might look
> > factory (domestic) for a year or two.
> >
> >
> > George Selby
> > gselby4x4 at earthlink.net
> >
> >

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