
james accordino ssgacc at
Tue Aug 5 08:09:06 EDT 2003

Just check the banjo bolts at the cover connections.
I left one loose and wasted the parking lot at the
reserve center.  I might have pumped out a half gallon
before I realized it.  Embarassing but an easy fix.

Jim Accordino

--- cobram at wrote:
> "Audi-Dude" <audi-dude at> writes:
> > when I came back I noticed not a drip but a STREAM
> of fuel coming
> > from the general area of the new fuel pump.
> Depending on where the leak is, all they might have
> to do is cut out the
> leaking piece and replace with a rubber fuel line
> and clamps.
> If it's leaking in a "strategic" place, such as near
> the coupling, IF
> they can be removed (rust belt), repair can be done
> with stock steel
> tubing and compression fittings/adapters.  BTDT many
> X's.
> That being said, if you don't work on your car
> yourself, it might
> actually be cheaper to replace with OEM lines when
> you factor in the
> additional labor and the chance that it might start
> leaking somewhere
> else as a consequence of disturbing things while
> repairing.
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