just to check some prices

Christo Atanasov chris at maimex.bg
Wed Aug 6 12:02:11 EDT 2003

10x Paul,
Yesterday I found a set of used NG pistons for about $115.
Can some confirm that diametar of NG wrist pin is identical to diameter of
wrist pin of my 2.2, so I can use my old set of connection rods and pins.
Is this conclusion true - if my engine is 10:1CR, and NG is 10:1 so distance
between center of wrist pin hole and top of the piston is same.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Cole" <pcole at mn.rr.com>
To: "Christo Atanasov" <chris at maimex.bg>
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 5:31 AM
Subject: Re: just to check some prices

> On Tue, 05 Aug 2003 13:32:30 +0300, Christo Atanasov wrote:
> >This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> >--
> >[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> >engine rebuild on way...
> >I checked for some new 82.5mm pistons (for 2.3) to put them in my 2.2
> >and the answer is about $145/piece (it is MAHLE production).. so 145*5 it
is $725 only for pistons
> Pretty good for factory OEM
> with rings.. I think tath is too much, but I never before was looking for
some pistons.. so it doesen't
> matter what I think.
> >How do you think.. is this price reasonable or it's too high or maybe too
> >
> 2 years ago on a group buy we got Wiesco pistons for $100 ea. with rings
and wrist pins.
> Don't know what they cost now but send email to Javad ( see list) and he's
got the
> Wiesco factory order number so they can reproduce them.
> They were 82.5mm with 8.4:1 CR for MC1/2 engines. Really nice units.
> >--
> >
> //************************
> Paul R. Cole:
> '91 Quattro Coupe - (spare)Daily Driver @ 254k mi.
> '91 200 TQ 20v- New Daily driver @228k.
> '84 Coupe (358k SAR)
> '84 Coupe (SAR) , 85 Coupe parts car
> '89 200TQ (WIP- SAR engine  & things) New track toy
> '80 924Turbo ( built to Carrera GTR specs)
> Bloomington,MN
> pcole at mn.rr.com #  Powered by OS/2 Warp 4
> //---------------------------------------

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