Strut cartridge replacement

Fred Munro munrof at
Wed Aug 6 20:21:57 EDT 2003

Konis are also guaranteed for life. Mine are close to max hardness setting
after 90k and are almost worn out. I called Koni, they said send in a copy
of the original receipt and a copy of my car registration and they will send
out a new set.

Fred Munro
'94 S4

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of luke
Sent: August 6, 2003 3:20 PM
To: Stephane.Livolsi at; quattro at
Subject: RE: Strut cartridge replacement

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>I have had 2 sets of Monroes on the front of my 86 5ktq.  Each only lasted
>months and will never, EVER, buy them again.  I am now about 8 months into
>pair of KYB GR2's and so far satisfied.  Having said that, if I ever need
>replace them again, I have decided to bite the bullet and go for quality
>with the Boges.  Replacing shocks just is  not a fun job anymore!

Boge is OEM, so expect a stock feel... unless you get their turbo gas
which ive heard are only about 15% at most better than stock
heard konis are great... and if you plan on keeping your car for a long
time bilsteins are gaurenteed for life... so its worth the extra $$$
unsure about fk... cheap but sound ok...
spax is dirt cheap and i heard their quality and whole company
just got totally turned around... a gamble
heard kw is good too... decent price

> I'm getting ready for a long over due front strut cartridge replacement.
> Are the shocks you get at the local parts store (Monroe, Gabriel, KYB)
> any good
> or should I step up to the higher priced ones ?

concerning this, the macco paint topic and everything to
do with audis in general...
luke sings to the tune of the rolling stones:
"you always get what you pay for"


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