evil fram again...

Robert Jobson, Jr. rjobsonjr at msn.com
Thu Aug 7 07:49:28 EDT 2003

I had the same thing, ONCE, with my 84 4kq, the first oil change in my
ownership of it. I also did my wifes Subi at the same time. Never, ever put
one on again.
That easy grip sure looked good in the store......

Bob J

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Steve Sears" <steve.sears at soil-mat.on.ca>
Reply-To: "Steve Sears" <steve.sears at SHOESsoil-mat.on.ca>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Subject: RE:evil fram again...
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 15:15:23 -0400

I thought you were watching the a.a.a newsgroup too.  Look what was on the
board this morning:
"I am driving an 1986 5000 turbo with 81,000 miles on it. Just within the
last 3-400 miles, the car has developed a rather loud lifter/valve clatter.
I thought, hey, that engine's almost new - develops a clatter in 3-400
miles?  Naw, couldn't be....so I posted,
"You aren't, by chance, using a Fram oil filter are you?<snip>"
To which was responded,
"Steve you are right on about the Fram oil filter. I used one of the new
"easy grip" filters last oil change. (Is this common with all Fram filters
for other cars?) This is alarming. My car before the last oil change sounded
perfect. Any idea how much damage the
"you can pay know or you can pay me later" filter inflicted on my lifters?"
Oh my.  I told them to search our archives as I believe someone might be
considering a lawsuit against Fram.
Man, am I ever glad I never "cheaped it" on the oil filters.....
Steve Sears
1987 Audi 5kTQ - a twofour of Mann filters for my friend, please.
1980 Audi 5k - needs a new filter soon.
1962 and '64 Auto Union DKW Junior deLuxes - oil filter?  We filter the gas
and oil at the same time....
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