preventing rusty brake rotors
Jpinkowish at
Jpinkowish at
Thu Aug 7 11:59:24 EDT 2003
In a message dated 8/7/03 10:03:56 AM EDT, kentmclean at writes:
Jan Pinkowish wrote:
> > I always paint all of the non-braking surfaces of new rotors before
> > installing -- <snip>. Not only does it keep the rotors looking great,
> > but it prevents rust, thereby allowing the rotors to cool better.
..and then Kent McLean asked:
> Wouldn't the paint help hold the heat in? Or
> does black paint help dissipate the heat? qhich Jim Green replied:
> We had this discussion about painting radiators, I
> think the conclusion was flat black will dissipate heat.
This isn't a question of the heat dissipation properties of flat vs. gloss
black paint. This is about preventing the formation of rust. Rust is an
insulator, and in the vanes of the rotor it will hinder the dissipation of heat.
I use glossy paint because it forms a more durable coat than flat paint.
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