Audi 90 running on few cylinders

Andy Thibodeau athibode at
Thu Aug 7 19:06:46 EDT 2003

I've been living with this same problem in my '88 90Q for  about 2 years,
and wondering the whole time what the problem is.  Car cold starts great,
idles just fine, but when you get out of the driveway it starts to spit and
fart.  Idle is still good at this point, check engine light is on, spits and
farts while depressing accelerator (under load), runs OK at constant
throttle position, but rips at WOT.  This whole problem never happens on a
good hot start, and does not go away if driven to any distance.  What I have
been doing is shutting the car off (after 20-30 min of driving) while
coasting and then restart, match revs, and engage clutch, this seems to get
rid of my check engine light and poor performance.  I have long suspected
ignition wires, but any other ideas are welcome.

Thanks in Advance,

Andy '88 90Q
----- Original Message -----
From: "Definitely Bill Lockwood" <wlockwoo at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 5:10 PM
Subject: Audi 90 running on few cylinders

> My roommates 88 Audi 90 Q started to run on just a couple of cylinders the
> other night.  Until you push the gas pedal all the way down, then the car
> will run with all cyl, full power.
> So car idles on one or two cyl, but runs at full throttle.
> Any suggestions???
> BTW it was raining when it happened.
> Thanks,
> Bill

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