3B engine swap pictures.

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 10 18:39:23 EDT 2003

  Very Nice.  Congratulations.  I just bought an AAN motor to
put in my ur-q.  Showed up with a cracked EM but OH well, I
guess I'll HAVE to put an RS-2 Manifold on there now.  Unless
you make that Tubular unit soon. :-)
  I'll may be contacting you at some point with bracketry
questions.  Such as can we use the 4kq Alt Bracket and Hyd Pump?
 My ur-q is running Dual Tilton MC's for brakes so I only need
Hydraulics for the Power Steering and thats it. I also have a
BigAss IC mounted in front of the motor so clearence may be an
issue.  We'll see.  I may just use a Toyota MR-2 or a Mini power
steering pump as they are electric and I can mount them anywhere
I want, even back by the rear seat to put some more weight back

--- Martin Pajak <martin at quattro.ca> wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Finally had some time to post the pictures.
> 2nd day of driving and so far so good....
> All is well and I am very happy.
> Again, thanks to Ralf Wiesner, Michael Hopton, Craig Cook,
> Robert Gross,
> Mihnea Cotet and many more...
> Enjoy!
> http://www.quattro.ca/19853B/3B.htm
> Cheers
> Martin Pajak
> http://www.quattro.ca
> 1983 Audi Ur-quattro (294,000 km) Canadian spec. winter car
> 1985 Audi Ur-quattro (182,000 km) 3B Euro spec. import ;o)
> --

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