Stupid Bilstein HD installation question

Martin Pot paulnet at
Wed Aug 13 01:47:51 EDT 2003

Sorry for even asking, I tried the archives, but it still has me really
wandering. On my '91 2CTQA I installed the Bilsteins HD all around but, I
have been having trouble with a popping sound in the front, and thought it
must be the strut bearings. I replaced them yesterday and could see they
were part of the problem but I still had some of the popping sound.
I asked my son to get in the car move the steering wheel, while I do some
Audetective investigating.
The popping sound came from the top washer of the strut rubbing and catching
the top strutmount rubber.
It looked like the threaded end is not sticking far enough through the
strutmount to allow for the proper clearance.
Now I took the whole strutmount off and took the big bell shaped washer off,
that was underneath the mount.
Now the steering is very nice and smooth, but did I do something dangerous,
does Bilstein intend it to be this way?
I sure like it this way.

Thanks, Martin.

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