Vibration in 2002 A6 4.2
duandcc_forums at
Wed Aug 13 09:23:16 EDT 2003
Have they checked the subframe (if there is one on an A6?)? Those sympotoms are exactly what others with borken/loose subframe bolts.
> From: James Zwahlen <jzwahlen at>
> Date: 2003/08/12 Tue PM 09:14:57 EDT
> To: quattro at
> Subject: Vibration in 2002 A6 4.2
> Has anyone experienced in problems with a uncurable vibration in the A6
> 4.2?
> My 2002 A6 4.2 was delivered in May of 2002, and currently has 17k miles
> on it. Shortly after delivery we began to notice a vibration most
> noticeable between 45 and 55 MPH manifesting itself as a shaking of the
> steering wheel and mild to moderate vibration felt in the seats.
> Although noticeable when driving straight, it is more pronounced when
> making gentle sweeping curves. It is noticeable at speeds up to at
> least 80mph although at a much higher speed-related frequency. At high
> speeds the vibration makes the car feel 'nervous'. I first took the car
> to the dealer to fix the problem at 3,800 miles and it has been back to
> the dealer 4 times and they have been unable to sort out the problem.
> The dealer has:
> Balanced the original OEM tires (ContiSportContact)numerous times,
> including a higher tech wheel and tire matching.
> Replaced front brake rotors (I believe there was a mild warpage of the
> rotors)
> I replaced the ContiSportContacts under warranty and got the 'new and
> improved' ContiExtremeContacts. Installed at Goodyear. These new tires
> made absolutely no difference in the vibration.
> After four visits and 13k miles of dealing with the dealer, I called
> Audi Customer Service and they are working with the dealer to arrive at
> a solution to the problem. Both the dealer and Audi seem committed to
> arriving at a fix.
> The dealer has now tried other tire/wheel sets (all used) on the car
> with no improvement. The dealer inspected and tested the wheels 17" and
> they say they are true. It's taking between 3-5 ozs per tire to get
> them in balance but they are balancing. After swapping out one tire
> with TireRack, the road forces are reading between 3 and 10.
> They have replaced all four axles. No good.
> The dealer is now looking at the tires again (the new ExtremeContacts
> have less that 400 miles on them) and the dealer thinks the tires are
> not seating properly on the wheels and 'squirming' on the wheels.
> Continental was contacted again for warranty and are inspecting the
> tires again tommorow.
> Have any of you experienced a similar problem? Please email me direct
> at jzwahlen at
> Currently,
> 2002 A6 4.2
> 2001 S4
> 1994 Porsche 968
> Formerly,
> 1993 100CS
> 1987 5000CS TQ
> 1985 5000S
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