Broken into!

passat TS passat_ts at
Thu Aug 14 14:02:28 EDT 2003

Sorry to hear that, but it takes less than 15 seconds to open a CGT, if you
know what you are doing.
I locked my CGT with the keys inside more times than I can think.


ps. I got the clutch yesterday, but haven't compare with the boxed kit. I'll
try to remember this evening.

>From: David <duandcc_forums at>
>To: quattro at
>Subject: Broken into!
>Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 18:02:41 -0400
>I walked out of work to discover a missing headunit and sub. Here's what
>happened: Park car and lock, walk over to mechanic who has a shop next to
>my office and give him the key so they can track down my oil leak. When I
>come to pick up the car it's still in their shop. I notice the missing HU
>and ask if they removed it for some reason. They say no and that they
>thought I removed it as it was missing when they went out into the parking
>lot to get the car. Well, it's now an hour later and I'm still waiting for
>the cops to show up. Fortunately it seems that the idiot theifs couldn't
>figure out the trunk on a CGT because my amps are still in there (the sub
>was "in cabin"). This sucks!!
>2002 Jetta 1.8T (hers)
>1993 RX-7 R1 (weekend play toy, soon to be for sale)
>1987 CGT Special Build 2.3
>in SE Virginia

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