quattro digest, Vol 1 #5272 - 89 200tq Check Engine Light Location

Bruce Bell bbell at surview.com
Thu Aug 14 11:36:30 EDT 2003

Yep, it isn't a CA car issue. My MC2 also has the light.  I use Prodiag
[http://shadetreesoftware.com] to pull the codes. It also runs the
output tests and works especially well on my A4 too! No more going to
the dealer to check/reset codes.


-----Original Message-----
From: Larry C. Leung
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 5:24 PM

 My '89 200Q MC2 is NOT a California car and it's check engine
is lit when the accessory power is on and b4 start-up. In fact, I am
to use it
(convieniently) to pull codes. What I need to do for more convienience
is to permanently wire a momentary contact switch to the plug under the
dash. Of course, this would only be necessary if I were throwing codes
real often....


Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 08:20:05 -0400
To: Mike Robinson <quattrofan at sbcglobal.net>,
        quattro list <quattro at audifans.com>
From: Kneale Brownson <knotnook at traverse.com>
Subject: Re: 89 200tq Check Engine Light Location?

At 10:28 PM 08/11/2003 -0700, Mike Robinson wrote:
>Hi all,
>Is the check engine light supposed to light up with the car's accessory
>power turned on?

I think the bulb behind the engine symbol is activated only on
cars in the US

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