wtb, wheels

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 16 00:54:47 EDT 2003

ARe the really close to fitting.  IF so you may be able to
gently roll/massage the fenders out to give a touhc more
  Just out of curiosity Jim, why are you recommending ET-35
offset.  Stock on that car is ET-45.  I owuld think the 90q
Sport wheels that dont fit are closer to ET-35 but I'm not sure
what the true ET was on 90q Sports.
  84' 4ktq with 225/45 17's that fit just fine. :-)

--- Jim Green <jeg1976 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Obin Olson <oolsen1 at ec.rr.com> wrote:
> > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> > --
> > [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> > does anyone have some 16inch wheels that would fit
> > my 88 90q? I got some from Rob on the list and they
> > fit his Sport 90 but they rub on my 88 90q, can this
> > be fixed? if not what can i do?
> Ahh, that's why they rub, the B4 90's have much wider
> arches.  You probably just need to sell those and get
> some 16's with a 35 offset
> =====
> Jim Green
> '89 90tq 034EFI Stage II
> http://www.mswanson.com/~jgreen/car_home.html
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