
luke maytagasm at sympatico.ca
Sat Aug 16 11:26:26 EDT 2003

thanks for the link!
great site!
little pricey for what i want... magnetic backed vinyl...
i think they could be made for $10 each usd
doesnt seem to be worth it for less than 100....
too bad they wouldnt let you do 25 4ktq 25 90tq 25 80tq and 25
of something else...
btw on your site... if you are in north america a KH is 142 hp
and as we discussed before get a turbo and cam from an MC
and it will produce quite a bit more... im guessing just shy of the
162hp of the MC.


> I use http://www.source4.labelserve.com/ at work for custom labels.
> They do pretty much any material you can imagine (I don't think they do
> metals, but I could be wrong).  They are super quick and  you can get a
> quote on line without having to call anyone (click on instant quoter at
> the top of the page).  The ones we use at work are usually for product
> that lives in a factory environment instead of outside.  Although we
> have gotten some in the past that were for equipment to be installed on
> off-shore oil rigs.  I would think the back of a car would be less
> extreme than that.
> -Eric
> http://www.mindspring.com/~robinsanborn/4000/

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