chance for a V8Q

David Head v8q at
Sun Aug 17 17:06:34 EDT 2003

Right price would be 2.5K to 4K depending on condition if it needs a belt.
bomb is the same.
Timing belt is an 8 hour job. That's 5-600 labor. The mechanic should be
at least familiar with Porsche 928 motors.
tools are about 300, parts are about 300 (your price, not dealer or
mechanic). With no history you should replace rollers, tensioner, belt,
water pump, thermostat and be prepared to replace cam and crank seals if
necessary, and distributor seals a certainty.
Yes. Drive it extensively, be alert for proper shifting. You should run
codes on the engine and trans. You are talking 10 hours labor plus
15-1800.00 if it needs a rebuild. It probably won't have a dipstick -
they didn't come with one. It should be snappy in Sport mode. If you are
in sport mode and you shut the car off it should return to 'E'. The
early software caused a little straining/creep in drive with the brake
After starting from dead cold, watch for smoking from oil/pentosin
burning off the exhaust as it warms up. A car this old probably has a
bad rack. That's 6-8 hours work plus 250.00 for the rack. If the
reservoir is less than 1/2 full it probably has a leak. If its full make
sure there's really pentosin in there!
Make sure the electric fan works and AC blows cold. Drive it in traffic
after completely warmed up - if the temp rises significantly above 100C
stopped in gear for a few minutes in 90 degree weather you need a new
radiator. About 250.00 and 4 hours of work.
If it has UFOs (and it most likely will) those rims won't fit w/o 10mm
spacers in front. V8 rims have 35mm offset.

FYI - I'm getting those sport seats after all, meaning I'll have a nice
black interior for you shortly...

Mike Arman wrote:

> Have a chance to buy a V8Q at what I think is a right price . . .
> Local car dealer has it, he claims to know nothing about it - he did
> have a
> 90 a few months ago which was severely overpriced, but the numbers on
> this
> appear good.
> Build date 6/89, looks pretty good.
> Now my questions - bomb check same as earlier type 44? Price of a V8Q
> bomb?
> (is this the same part as the late 5K type 44 bomb?)
> Shows 139,000 miles, and of course no service history, how much time,
> trouble and money is involved in changing the timing belt?
> Any special problems with the auto tranny?
> Any special gotchas on these cars? What to look for, what to avoid, any
> deal-killers?
> Does the 5K DaLan trailer hitch fit?
> I have a set of A4 six spoke sport wheels, 16", five bolt, with
> practically
> new tires - do these wheels fit?
> Comments appreciated, I'm going to see the guy tomorrow.
> Best Regards,
> Mike Arman

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