'885KCSTQ Long cranking above 75 F ambient temp

benswann at comcast.net benswann at comcast.net
Mon Aug 18 14:48:44 EDT 2003


I have spent too much time in the past to determine if this is the culprit.  If
you have the time to pull your injectors twice to verify weepage and then do
the actual replacement later, have at it. I fell for this not believing other
lister's experience.  Never again - I think collective experience dictates to
order new Viton tipped injectors with new seals and just replace them.  This
will run you under $50 and injector and you may be able to get them for as low
as $35 ea.

There are other things that can cause these symptoms - one being the fuel
pressure accumulator, but do your injectors first and if problem persists or is
not completely resolved then look elsewhere.

I have had a number of 5ktqs with over 130 kmi that had the long cranking
problem.  Replacement of injectors brough cranking from 7-10 sec to under 2
sec. consistantly.  Any other repairs such as fuel pressure accum. were icing
on the cake.

> Thanks Ben,
> 	I hadn't thought about this possibility. Do you think I can check
> this out by opening up an injector line or two before morning starts to
> see if fuel is present at low ambient temperature and not present above 75 F?
> Lou
> On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 benswann at comcast.net wrote:
> > It is not you knock sensor, although that should be addressed.
> >
> > Replace your fuel injectors - they leak down when they age.
> >
> > Ben
> >
> > [Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 17:52:34 -0400 (EDT)
> > From: "Louis A. Mulieri" <mulieri at physiology.med.uvm.edu>
> > To: quattro at audifans.com
> > Subject: '885KCSTQ Long cranking above 75 F ambient temp. (Was:KNOCK SENSOR
> >  on '88-5KCSTQ)
> >
> > Hi,
> > 	I have now recognized that my seemingly intermittent, long
> > cranking (10 sec) followed by a stumbling, 250 rpm start with 1/2 throttle
> > opening (5 sec) followed by normal rpm  and normal running and driving
> > really occurs only when the outside air temperature is above 75-78 F
> >
> > (24-25 C).
> > 	My only fault code is 2142 (knock sensor). <snip>
> >
> > Could this be fuel pump or filter related???
> >
> > Thanks for help,
> > Lou
> > '88 5KCSTQ]
> >
> >

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