So what does the front engine mount do?

Jim Green jeg1976 at
Tue Aug 19 19:38:24 EDT 2003

--- Eric <eric_audi.ql at> wrote:
> Jim Green wrote:
> >
> >Eric, just cut off the snub mount and leave enough
> >material to still get the bushing on.  Then just
> move
> >the metal bracket it sits in back a few inches,
> along
> >with you cross member I assume you're building.
> Javad
> >and I both did this with our retarded size
> >intercoolers, and it works great.
> >
> >
> >
> I thought about that.  My IC goes from the very
> bottom of the bumper
> cover to just under the grill.  About half as big as
> yours or Javad's,
> but still a packaging challenge (19x8x2 core).  It
> is within one belt
> width from the crank.  I think I could fit the
> standard mount sytem in,
> but I was planning to make a custom braket for that
> side anyway (Dodge
> NEON A/C compressor - very tiny) and ditch the old
> AC bracket with motor
> mount.
> I will look at that again.  The heim joint would be
> easier to fabricate
> for I think.  Plus I have several laying around.  I
> tried to take a
> picture to show you the space, but my web cam does
> not cut it.  I will
> have to borrow works digital camera tomorrow.

If your tranny and motor mounts are new, I'd just go
without it.  I actually did for a long time, and
didn't notice anything too bad.  I'd think that it
just keeps the motor moving in the right direction,
like in a nice twisting motion.  Without it you may
just wear mounts quicker.

Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI Stage II

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