It's gettin' hot in here...

cobram at cobram at
Wed Aug 20 16:02:25 EDT 2003

Probably a programmer problem.  Quick fix to get around till you have
time to investigate is to manually close the heater control valve (on the
hose that supplies heater core) and hold it closed with a wire tie.
Should cool things off in the cabin till cooler days or ambition to
tackle the problem comes.
I don't know if they're similar in design, but on the 5KS you'll get an
inordinate amount of heat coming in the cabin when rubber shifter boot
(under the car) is missing or out of place.


David Thoresen <david at> writes:
> Well if it was winter this problem wouldn¹t be so bad, but I have hot
> air blowing out of the footwell vents... Even when the heater and fan
> off...
> No fun!  Anyone know of a fix for this?

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