Getting keys made without a dupe

superba1st superba1st at
Wed Aug 20 16:26:58 EDT 2003

Hi Ti,

Locksmiths have charts that give them key cutting instructions when they
don't have a key to copy.  I've never had one made for a German car, and the
keys are different in that they use wafers with holes in them.  However,
they commonly do cut keys without a key to duplicate.  I'm not talking about
what you see in Home Depot or OSH;  I'm talking a real locksmith.  I've had
them cut keys for me from codes on the cars and a UHaul truck without the
key to dupe.  The UHaul truck had one key for the door and one for the
ignition, and the agency in San Mateo gave me only the ignition key.  I was
in South San Jose with a loaded truck.

HST, I obviously don't know if key codes have been restricted in our ever
security conscious society or not.  I suspect that the knowledge that this
can be done is not widely publicized;  however, guess who knows it can be


Jim Jordan

>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Ti Kan [mailto:ti at]
>  Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 12:57 PM
>  To: superba1st
>  Cc: quattro at
>  Subject: Re: Getting keys made
>  superba1st writes:
>  > I'm no expert, but I don't think a potential thief or owner
>  has to go to an
>  > Audi dealer.  All she has to do is find a locksmith with the
>  proper blanks,
>  > ...
>  How is a regular locksmith going to be able to cut you a key based on
>  nothing?  If you already had a key to copy from, then sure, they could
>  do that, but a car thief isn't going to have one.
>  -Ti
>  2003 A4 1.8T multitronic
>  2001 S4 biturbo 6-sp
>  1984 5000S turbo
>  1980 4000 2.0 5-sp
>  --
>      ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch Technik
>     ///   AMB Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
>    ///    ti at
>   //////
>  ///

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