87 5000tq

tombin tombin at washington.corrupt.net
Sat Aug 23 23:16:46 EDT 2003

On Sat, 23 Aug 2003, Doyt W. Echelberger wrote:

> At 05:05 PM 8/23/2003 -0400, you wrote:
> >I am looking at buying a 1987 5000 TQ.  it has 100,000 miles on it for
> >1200 $.  I have test driven the car.  It runs like a dream.  Not squeaks,
> >or weird noises coming from anywhere in the car.  No oil leaks under the
> >motor, runs real quiet.  Everything looked good to me.
> >   THe only question
> >I have is, when I take off the e-brake there is a 'ding' from the display in
> >back of the steering wheel that says "brake" with a ding behind it, like an
> >idiot light.  THis shows up where the OK sign is when you turn the car on?
> >Can someone tell me what the light and sound are referring to, and should
> >I be concerned
> >about it?
> If the red auto-check light stays on, accompanied by the three dings, do
> not operate the vehicle. Have it towed to an Audi mechanic. Thus sayeth the
> owner's manual on page 40.
> Doyt Echelberger
> 87 5ktq

No, this does not happen.  When I start the vehicle, the OK light comes
on, then shuts off with no dings.  I release the e-brake, and when i push
the brake in, that is when I get the brake warning, with the dings.

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