1988 90q steering rack woes

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 24 06:57:19 EDT 2003

Yes.  I replaced a torn rack boot once.  You can do it
without completely removing the rack.  Rack failed in
> 6 months anyway.  Not sure I'd do it again.  It
tough to know how long it was open or how much small
particles got inside.  Racks don't tolerate dirt well.
 Even small amounts of very small particles seem to
cause failure.  Rack change is not the hardest job,
but not as easy as say changing an alt.  If you can do
a TB job, you can probably R+R a rack.

Jim Accordino

--- "Lino M. Valadas" <l.valadas at rogers.com> wrote:
> Hello all
> Has  anyone dealt  with a torn protective sleeve on
> a steering rack?  Is
> there a way to wrap some thing around it to prolong
> the inevitable?  How big
> a job is a re&re of the steering rack on the 90q?
> Any BTDT?
> Any feed back would be appreciated.
> Lino

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