'86 5k clutch burning/flywheel

Jim Green jeg1976 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 26 12:15:41 EDT 2003

--- Keith Fahlgren <kfahlgren at wooster.edu> wrote:
> From my brother, Eric:
> The context is a 1986 5kcstq, with a smoked clutch
> and quite a
> bit higher than factory horsepower.
> 1) What's the best factory lightweight flywheel to
> use on these
>     things?  The '89-'91 200 part or the urS4 part
> or something
>     else altogether?
> 2) Anyone ever put on an aftermarket flywheel?  If
> so who, what,
>     where and how much?  (How much dinero and how
> much mass...)
> 3) Anyone have experience with aftermarket disks and
> pressure
>     plates?  Was it a good experience or bad?  If
> good, who, what
>     and so on.
> [to get a sense of the sort of horsepower he's
> talking about, see:
> http://not2fast.wryday.com/audi/maxq/ The page is
> rather old but the car is
> prolly somewhere around 400 (+-50)]

Glad to hear his car is running well:)  I think most
people are content with just removing some material
from the stock flywheel.  For clutches, many of us run
the stock clutches with no problems on our modded
cars.  If he wants something crazy, check out the the
latest discussion on this list.



Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI Stage II

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