Audifans marketplace scam

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at
Wed Aug 27 04:35:36 EDT 2003

Hey guys,
  I've posted about this before.  I'm VERY sorry to hear about
that Justin.  Its a very common scam now.  One I've dealt with a
few times as a banker. I always advise great caution when doing
such a transaction, and ALWAYS wait untill funds have cleared
and to trace the routing number of the check.  IT alsways shows
up as incorrect or not matchign the info on the check.
  I'll forward you a service announcement.  Go to the US Secret
Service Website link at the bottom.  They consider it a national
security issue.
  Unfortunately for you, theres not much you can do with the
Bank.  Your responsibe for knowing the source of funds in your
account and if you  questions somethign you need to get the bank
involved.  I'm not putting any one down, just sayint how it is.
ITs to bad and MANY innocent people like have you been taken.
Just a couple days ago I got the "pleasure" of explaining to a
nice gentleman that the $7,000 Cashiers Check he had for the
Yamaha R1 he sold a couple days ago was FAKE.  Poor guy.
  Anyhow, I'll forward the thing.  Maybe it will be of SOME
Good Luck
  Todd PHenneger
  Banker - US BAnk

--- Justin Sokolowski <jsokolowski at> wrote:
> Hey all,
> Just a heads-up: A few weeks ago I was the target of a scam on
> the audifans classified section. I received an email from a
> guy who was willing to buy my car, said he would wire the
> money, and ended up depositing a significant amount over the
> agreed amount into my account. He requested that I wire this
> back, and I did, only to find out later from my bank that the
> deposit wasn't a wire but a counterfeit check. Needless to
> say, I got taken for an overwhelming amount of money, and I am
> currently in a legal battle with my bank.
> So, in short, if you see anything suspicious, run away. If you
> have a doubt, there is no doubt.
> Justin

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