Insurance woes
Doug Johnson
ur-quattro at
Thu Aug 28 10:41:09 EDT 2003
IN Washington State, you are entitled to a second, independent appraisal,
paid for by the at-fault parties insurance carrier.
With service records in hand (years worth of Fr at m oil filter box flaps with
dates and mileage of oil changes noted) I got about a 50% increase in
appraised valuation for the car.
Buy-back price was set by law, and I think it was 20% of appraised value.
Good luck,
~ Doug
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
> Behalf Of passat TS
> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 7:22 AM
> To: balakrishnan3 at
> Cc: quattro at
> Subject: Re: Insurance woes
> Chander,
> Another option is follow what Ben is saying regarding the value and settle
> for the highest possible money. Then offer to buy the car back. The
> insurance co. will be receiving next to nothing when they sell
> your damaged
> car, so most are willing to negociate.
> The key is to never tell the buying back intention to the
> adjuster until you
> settle for a final value.
> You might have the money to fix a car that seems to be in good
> condition, or
> the worst case you can part it out recoup the buying back money
> and look for
> a car.
> Good luck and I hope that you can save the car,
> Carlos.
> >[From: "Chander Balakrishnan" <balakrishnan3 at>
> >To: "Quattro List" <quattro at>
> >Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 15:04:29 -0500
> >Subject: (no subject)
> >About 4 weeks ago, my 1989 200 quattro sedan was rear ended by a big bad
> >SUV
> >at a traffic light. The rear left fender is badly damaged, as
> is the tail
> >gate, etc etc. The other guy did not have insurance (he had a
> certificate
> >that he showed to the police officer who wrote the report, but we later
> >learned that the certificate was phony). So my insurance
> company is going
> >to pay and recover from the other party.
> >
> >My insurance company has estimated the value of the car at $ 3150
> >excluding
> >the upgrades. They used the Kelley blue book as the basis, and estimated
> >the value as a private party, and described the condition of the car as
> >excellent.
> >
> >While this seems like a reasonable basis for estimating the value, should
> >they be using the retail values for estimating instead of private party ?
> >After all, if I wanted to buy a car, would I not be looking at retail ?
> >The
> >Kelley retail values are higher than the private party estimates
> by quite a
> >bit - $ 4550.
> >
> >I would appreciate if listers could share their experience with me as to
> >how
> >their insurance companies have dealt with them. I have 4 cars
> insured thru
> >my company plus home, plus life insurance plus college savings
> fund. I do
> >quite a bit of business with my company and right now I feel very upset,
> >that they would use the private party database instead of retail.
> >
> >I had purchased the car from Scott Mockry, with several upgrades and new
> >items. Just about everything that could have worn out was replaced by
> >Scott, and in addition he had upgraded the rear brakes to V8, installed
> >Eibach springs and Koni shocks, plus of course his ecu upgrade.
> >
> >The repair estimate using used parts is $ 4500. I am trying my best to
> >save
> >this car. I do not believe I can buy a replacement for $ 3150 that is
> >anywhere close to the car I got from Scott.
> >
> >TIA
> >
> >Chander]
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